The Spiritual Revolution
Make a Rapid Paradigm Shift from Organized Religion to New Testament Christianity
- Introduction to the Spiritual Revolution
- Churches send preachers out v. Churches hire preachers to serve them
- Intentional evangelism v. Visitors might accidentally learn what they need
- Saints build the body in unity v. That’s why we hired a preacher
- Members gifts developed v. Members do no more than sit in a pew
- Mutual edification v. Clergy/laity
- Each one has a psalm v. Designated song leaders
- Each one has a teaching v. Designated teachers
- Elders lead by example v. Elders are a board of directors
- Autonomous churches v. Corporations and franchises
- Adult baptism v. Child baptism
- Parents teach children v. Anyone but parents teach children
- Meet together v. Divide into age groups
- Meet in homes v. Maintain a building
- Worship in spirit all the time v. Worship in a building at designated times
- Transformation of character v. Go through the motions
- Saints are holy new creatures v. Sorry sinners are nothing but forgiven
- Authentic relationships v. Keep it to Sunday
- Love feast v. Formal ceremony
- Freedom in Christ v. Divisive laws invented
- Full stewardship taught v. Don’t get too personal
- Collections as needed v. Collections regardless of needs
- Devoted to God’s word v. Devoted to men’s word
- Summary & Conclusion
Organized Religion Fails Most Learning Styles
The Origins of Modern Organized Religion: Pharisees, Sadducees & Synagogues
For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not come to know God, God was well-pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. (1 Cor 1:21)